Hello folks. Some people may remember this account. Hello to anybody who does!
Things have changed a little bit. A lot, actually. So, like, turns out "I" am actually "we". As in a system. Which is to say multiple people in one body. I'm not sharing the presence or absence of any diagnosis, but it's most often associated with dissociative identity disorder. Do you remember Pneumonica mentioning several times ideas that "just came to them" spontaneously and almost fully formed?
Yeah. It wasn't really their work. No shade, it's not like they knew.
So anyway, now we all have open expression. I was just browsing about on DTRPG and noticed Sorcerously Advanced. And I had no clue why something was just tugging at me. Then I saw the newer ed of Sufficiently Advanced, and it really tugged at me. I had no idea what was capturing me. Then I heard a voice in back shout, "HOLY CRUD, COLIN'S STILL AT IT!" Apparently I was getting brain leaks. lol
Anyways, wanted to forward an old friend's remembrance, and say hi to all y'all. We might linger around here a bit, who knows?
The Weaver's System