Rebound is an Unbound starship, once named The Sky Is Not Falling. Centuries ago, she crash landed on a Cargo Cult world, and there she has remained. Rebound is revered as a god of forgotten paths. She teaches her followers long lost ways to talk to their machines, the hidden paths of their cities, and where they left their keys.
Rebound desires to explore, although she doesn’t want to leave her people. So she spins off small copies of herself to explore on her behalf, and return to her later. The copies are sometimes clones of her old human-self, but are more often Mechanican-like machines and tiny starships, each with several minds.
Through plot, Rebound may be rebuilt and take off, returning to her fully Unbound way of life.
Civilization: Unbound
Benefit: Additional Twist for use with Wonder.
Neuroform: Distributed, sometimes Individualized
Core Values: Discovery 8, My World 4, Unbound 2, Hospitality 1
Themes: Comprehension (lost meanings), Wonder (uncovering the overlooked), Magnetism (a god am I)
Capabilities: Biotech 4, Cognitech 8, Metatech 4, Nanotech 8, Stringtech 8
Expertise: Adept. Ranked 4 in Explorer, Engineer, Religious, Teacher, Locality.
Import: 4